UNIT 5: Emotional & Symbolic Color - Student Examples

COLOR THEORY UNIT V, Emotional & Symbolic Color. 9” x 9”, Acrylic paint, wire, rose on canvas.

COLOR THEORY UNIT V, Emotional & Symbolic Color. 8” x 10”, Laser prints on acetate and enamel on canvas.

COLOR THEORY UNIT V, Emotional & Symbolic Color. 18” x 18”, Acrylic paint on canvas.

COLOR THEORY UNIT V, Emotional & Symbolic Color. 11” x 11”, Marker and color pencil on illustration board.

COLOR THEORY UNIT V, Emotional & Symbolic Color. 60” x 50”, Acrylic paint and newsprint on canvas.

COLOR THEORY UNIT V, Emotional & Symbolic Color. 32” x 24”, Acrylic paint and ink on illustration board.

COLOR THEORY UNIT V, Emotional & Symbolic Color. 10” x 10” (before unraveling), Yarn.

COLOR THEORY UNIT V, Emotional & Symbolic Color. 12” x 9.5”, Acrylic paint on canvas with matboard.

COLOR THEORY UNIT V, Emotional & Symbolic Color. 8” x 10”, Acrylic paint, color pencil, marker, acetate on illustration board with matboard.

COLOR THEORY UNIT V, Emotional & Symbolic Color. 6” x 7”, Colored pencil and marker on paper with pushpin.

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